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Harmony Ball Rattle

2 Review(s)
Availability: 248 In Stock

Our Angel Caller rattle will become a reassuring companion, reminding your baby of the familiar melody of your Bonding Necklace.

According to a Mayan legend, the soft tinkling sound has the power to call upon your little one’s guardian angel to provide protection and bring good luck.

Each rattle is a unique piece, handcrafted in Peru, respecting traditional artisan skills passed down from mother to daughter from one generation to the next.

Angel Lovey for Harmony Ball

3 Review(s)
Availability: 103 In Stock
In the ancestral Mayan tradition, new mothers would sew a harmony ball inside their baby’s blanket to continue to soothe their newborn with its familiar melody and to call upon their child’s guardian angel for protection. When hung over your baby’s cradle, crib or stroller, our Angel Caller Lovey will become a reassuring companion for your infant. Its soft tinkling sound will remind your little one of the feeling of security and well-being inside the womb and help your newborn to peacefully adapt to the outside world.
Your own chiming pendant can be placed securely inside the lovey, which has been specially designed to meet the EU safety standards.

Tiger Lovey for Harmony Ball

2 Review(s)
Availability: 85 In Stock

In the ancestral Mayan tradition, new mothers would sew a harmony ball inside their baby’s blanket to continue to soothe their newborn with its familiar melody and to call upon their child’s guardian angel for protection. When hung over your baby’s cradle, crib or stroller, our Angel Caller Lovey will become a reassuring companion for your infant. Its soft tinkling sound will remind your little one of the feeling of security and well-being inside the womb and help your newborn to peacefully adapt to the outside world.

Your own chiming pendant can be placed securely inside the lovey, which has been specially designed to meet the EU safety standards.

Customizable Lovey for Harmony Ball

2 Review(s)
Availability: 21 In Stock

In the ancestral Mayan tradition, new mothers would sew a harmony ball inside their baby’s blanket to continue to soothe their newborn with its familiar melody and to call upon their child’s guardian angel for protection. When hung over your baby’s cradle, crib or stroller, our Angel Caller Lovey will become a reassuring companion for your infant. Its soft tinkling sound will remind your little one of the feeling of security and well-being inside the womb and help your newborn to peacefully adapt to the outside world.

Your own chiming pendant can be placed securely inside the lovey, which has been specially designed to meet the EU safety standards.

Cat Lovey for Harmony Ball

1 Review(s)
Availability: 91 In Stock

In the ancestral Mayan tradition, new mothers would sew a harmony ball inside their baby’s blanket to continue to soothe their newborn with its familiar melody and to call upon their child’s guardian angel for protection. When hung over your baby’s cradle, crib or stroller, our Angel Caller Lovey will become a reassuring companion for your infant. Its soft tinkling sound will remind your little one of the feeling of security and well-being inside the womb and help your newborn to peacefully adapt to the outside world.

Your own chiming pendant can be placed securely inside the lovey, which has been specially designed to meet the EU safety standards.

Rabbit Lovey for Harmony Ball

1 Review(s)
Availability: 87 In Stock
In the ancestral Mayan tradition, new mothers would sew a harmony ball inside their baby’s blanket to continue to soothe their newborn with its familiar melody and to call upon their child’s guardian angel for protection. When hung over your baby’s cradle, crib or stroller, our Angel Caller Lovey will become a reassuring companion for your infant. Its soft tinkling sound will remind your little one of the feeling of security and well-being inside the womb and help your newborn to peacefully adapt to the outside world.
Your own chiming pendant can be placed securely inside the lovey, which has been specially designed to meet the EU safety standards.

Fox Lovey for Harmony Ball

1 Review(s)
Availability: 121 In Stock
In the ancestral Mayan tradition, new mothers would sew a harmony ball inside their baby’s blanket to continue to soothe their newborn with its familiar melody and to call upon their child’s guardian angel for protection. When hung over your baby’s cradle, crib or stroller, our Angel Caller Lovey will become a reassuring companion for your infant. Its soft tinkling sound will remind your little one of the feeling of security and well-being inside the womb and help your newborn to peacefully adapt to the outside world.
Your own chiming pendant can be placed securely inside the lovey, which has been specially designed to meet the EU safety standards.

Bear Lovey for Harmony Ball

1 Review(s)
Availability: 95 In Stock
In the ancestral Mayan tradition, new mothers would sew a harmony ball inside their baby’s blanket to continue to soothe their newborn with its familiar melody and to call upon their child’s guardian angel for protection. When hung over your baby’s cradle, crib or stroller, our Angel Caller Lovey will become a reassuring companion for your infant. Its soft tinkling sound will remind your little one of the feeling of security and well-being inside the womb and help your newborn to peacefully adapt to the outside world.
Your own chiming pendant can be placed securely inside the lovey, which has been specially designed to meet the EU safety standards.

Owl Lovey for Harmony Ball

1 Review(s)
Availability: 144 In Stock
In the ancestral Mayan tradition, new mothers would sew a harmony ball inside their baby’s blanket to continue to soothe their newborn with its familiar melody and to call upon their child’s guardian angel for protection. When hung over your baby’s cradle, crib or stroller, our Angel Caller Lovey will become a reassuring companion for your infant. Its soft tinkling sound will remind your little one of the feeling of security and well-being inside the womb and help your newborn to peacefully adapt to the outside world.
Your own chiming pendant can be placed securely inside the lovey, which has been specially designed to meet the EU safety standards.

Lovey for Harmony Ball

4 Review(s)
Availability: 128 In Stock

In the ancestral Mayan tradition, new mothers would sew a harmony ball inside their baby’s blanket to continue to soothe their newborn with its familiar melody and to call upon their child’s guardian angel for protection. When hung over your baby’s cradle, crib or stroller, our Angel Caller Lovey will become a reassuring companion for your infant. Its soft tinkling sound will remind your little one of the feeling of security and well-being inside the womb and help your newborn to peacefully adapt to the outside world.

Your own chiming pendant can be placed securely inside the lovey, which has been specially designed to meet the EU safety standards.

Découvrez le Doudou Bola Ilado

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Qu’est-ce qu’un doudou Bola ?

Selon la tradition ancestrale Maya, les futures mamans cousaient leur Bola de grossesse dans le doudou de leur bébé pour rassurer le nouveau-né. Nos doudous Ilado sont composés d’une parure douce en coton et bénéficient d’un système sécurisé bénéficiant du marquage CE afin de glisser sans risque votre Bola à l’intérieur.

Cousus en forme de petit ange gardien pour représenter le compagnon rassurant aux côtés de bébé, nos doudous Bola se glissent dans le lit du nouveau-né ou se suspendent au berceau ou à la poussette. La douce mélodie qu’ils émettent, ce tintement devenu au fil des mois si familier pour bébé, lui rappellera la sécurité in utero durant son évolution dans le ventre de sa maman. Nos hochets Bola, fabriqués au Pérou selon un savoir-faire artisanal ancestral permettent eux aussi de rassurer votre bébé grâce à la mélodie familière émise par votre Bola de grossesse.

Il était pour nous essentiel de permettre au bébé et à la maman de poursuivre ce lien prénatal et ce sentiment d’apaisement après la naissance. C’est la raison d’être de ce doudou bola inspiré par les rituels bien-être des mamans à travers le monde.

Comment utiliser ce doudou apaisant ?

Le doudou bola s’emmène partout pour apaiser et rassurer votre bébé au quotidien.

En effet, lors des premières semaines et premiers mois de vie, un bébé dort beaucoup et à de nombreux endroits différents.

Il faut alors penser à accrocher ce doudou à ces différents lieux de sommeil :

  • Le siège auto de la voiture,
  • Les barreaux de son lit,
  • La poussette.

L’idée est de lui permettre d’avoir toujours cette petite musique rassurante avec lui afin de favoriser son adaptation au monde extérieur. Ainsi, ce doudou devient un véritable repère et un compagnon parfait pour apaiser votre bébé.

Quels sont les bons rituels à adopter avec votre doudou bola ?

Pour que ce doudou Bola devienne un compagnon rassurant pour votre enfant, il faut l’habituer à entendre ce doux tintement. Ainsi, il est conseillé de porter dès son 5e mois de grossesse un collier Bola autour du cou. Nous vous proposons une large gamme de sautoirs à cordon ou à chaîne, à porter en fonction de vos goûts et de vos habitudes vestimentaires.

Celui-ci peut aussi faire l’objet d’un très beau cadeau de naissance pour les futures mamans. D’ailleurs, les papas peuvent aussi commencer à tisser ce lien in utero en portant un bracelet Bola au tintement léger.

La douce mélodie produite par le Bola de grossesse crée un lien formidable entre la maman et le bébé. Une vraie bulle de sérénité et de connexion tout au long du chemin vers la rencontre. C’est donc dès la grossesse qu’il faut entamer ce rituel bienfaisant afin de faciliter son utilisation une fois la naissance de bébé passée. En effet, il sera beaucoup plus facile d’apaiser bébé grâce au doudou bola si celui-ci a entendu son doux tintement lorsqu’il se trouvait dans le ventre de sa maman.

Les avantages du doudou Bola 

Cadeau pour future maman à s’offrir ou se faire offrir pour son bébé, le doudou bola inspiré de la tradition mexicaine à la capacité de rassurer bébé. Véritable amulette de protection, il sera le compagnon idéal pour ces premiers mois à découvrir le monde et à évoluer hors du ventre de sa maman.

Idéal pour favoriser l’adaptation sereine du bébé et calmer les angoisses, le doudou bola sera aussi un objet symbolique apprécié des parents en quête de ce nouvel équilibre à créer. Il est rassurant d’avoir des accessoires apaisants et porteurs de sens autour de soi qui facilitent l’apprentissage et les grandes étapes de la vie d’un nouveau-né.

La mise en place d’une bulle d’harmonie pour la famille est donc le point fort de ce bijou de grossesse dont le doux tintement familier lui rappellera la sécurité et la protection bienveillante de sa maman.

Notre doudou bola de couleur bleue, rose ou pêche, est également disponible en version Ange Girafe. Pour un cadeau de naissance sur-mesure, nous proposons également un doudou bola personnalisable à faire broder au nom du nouveau-né qui le recevra.